1) Dawn, also known as Blogging Mom of 4, reminds us to drink more water! Dawn found that drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal reduced the amount of food she ate. However, sometimes consuming just plain water gets old. Dawn said, “I’ll be honest, I love water, but sometimes I just need a little bit of flavor. That’s where the Medifast flavored Energy Drops come in and they come in three different flavors!” For Dawn, the Medifast Drops are a great substitute for coffee, plus they give you energy! To read more, follow her blog at http://bloggingmomof4.com/
2) Holly, also known as Our Holly Days, reminds us of the importance of planning! She has found that her daily planner has been her weight-loss bible. Holly said, “I use my planner to set and keep track of my daily goals. My weight loss goals are no different and I have a section dedicated to exactly that.” With her planner, Holly found that it was easier to hold herself accountable. “I’ve listed out small goals that are my personal markers of progress. I’ve listed my BMI, my goal weight, and more. I’ve also included a place for me to track my weight each month, so I can visually see the progress on paper.” To read more, follow her blog at http://www.ourhollydays.com
3) Jocelyn, also known as Displaced Yinzer, would like to share 5 words of diet wisdom that she has learned from being on the Medifast plan. Jocelyn said, “I can say that you will experience many feelings while dieting. I want to share 5 words of diet wisdom I have learned in my journey so far. I hope that if you are on a dieting journey these 5 words of diet wisdom help you along the way: Patience, determination, appreciation, excitement and forgiveness!” To read more, follow her blog at http://www.displacedyinzer.com/health-and-wellness/