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  1. Lorraine

    Would love to read more about subject and suggestions I how to reprogram brain after so so many years of behavior

  2. morningsidegardens

    Yes, I need to reprogram my brain. I guess it a habit formation or attitude formation process. It starts with abstinence from the eating behavior and thinking over a consecutive period to form the habigt.

  3. Jenny

    Interesting information. I think you touch on an important detail when it comes to solving such a problem as weight loss and even other problems. Our thoughts and how we think is often the critical factor whether we will succeed in a project or not.

  4. Todd J. Zimmer

    Thanks Nick! This really hit home as I am definitely an emotional over eater. The Hulk has nothing on my so having started the TSFL/Medifast program several months ago has been a blessing for me. I still have the urges, triggered by emotions and stress, so I am interested to follow you and where this goes. From one fellow comic book geek to another, Excelsior!

    1. Hallie Falquet Sovesky
      Hallie Falquet Sovesky

      It will be published by Friday, April 25!

  5. Emotional Overeating Part 2 | Your Healthy Blueprint
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