1. Mary Weller

    I do indeed agree that changing your eating habits must be done slowly, without making yourself feel deprived.
    I am anxious to know if I may have 1% or skim milk with the cereals that Medifast offers. If it is acceptable, may I have a half cup or one cup?

    1. Hallie Falquet Sovesky
      Hallie Falquet Sovesky

      Hi Mary, If you’re doing any program except the 5&1 yes, you may have 1 cup of low fat milk as a dairy serving. However, if you’re doing the 5&1 Plan can have ½ cup Blue Diamond Almond Breeze®:Unsweetened Original or Unsweetened Vanilla or 1 cup Silk Pure Almond®:Unsweetened Original or Unsweetened Vanilla.

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