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  1. Deb Holton-Smith

    Nick…As a health coach, I feel hypocritical. I just don’t get out to exercise. Don’t like it but know I must. Know my Why! Content not to. Need to figure out why I don’t.

  2. Christy B

    Exercise is a tough one for me. It started back in 8th grade. I don’t understand why I allowed it to be my stumbling block, but I put exercise on the back burner when I got teased by my “friends” for the way I ran. (Like an Ape was one of the comments)

    I have always been heavy chested so that has always been an issue for me as well. They truly do hurt when I jog/run and no those sports bras don’t do anything.

    For the most part, when I am active, I fall, making me feel like a klutz. Not just once, but lots of times. Fortunately, I’ve never broken anything but sure have had LOTS of sprained ankles!

    And now, I live in a rural area, where the gym isn’t an option for me. I can walk without onlookers, but getting past all that mental junk is certainly a challenge.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance!

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