What inspired you to become a dietitian?
While I was growing up, I ate whatever and whenever I wanted (including, I admit, fast food at least once a day). After my first year in college, I decided to go on a “diet.” It was a life-changing experience! Once I started paying attention to my food choices and how I fueled my body, I was amazed by the profound transformation of my body and the overall sense of wellbeing I felt. When I returned to school, I changed my major to dietetics and made a commitment to helping others find their healthier selves through food.
What have you learned most from your experience in this field?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Education alone—without motivation—rarely translates into lasting behavioral changes.
What do you find to be the most interesting nutritional fact?
The excretion of sulfuric compounds (methyl mercaptan) is the reason urine smells after eating asparagus. Interestingly, not all people excrete these compounds after eating asparagus, and not all people have the ability to smell these compounds, so some people may not have “asparagus urine” and others may have it and not know it.
What’s your favorite Medifast tip?
Eat slowly and mindfully.
If you could have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Greek yogurt