Cinnamon Sugar Trail Mix

Yields: 3 Servings

Per Serving: 1 Medifast Meal, 1 Healthy Fat, ½ Condiment

  • 1 packet Medifast Oatmeal (any flavor, but Apple Cinnamon works best)
  • ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 4 Tbsp water
  • Cooking spray
  • 1 bag Medifast Cinnamon Pretzel Sticks
  • 1 bag Medifast Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Cereal Crunch
  • 1 oz nuts of choice
  1. Combine Medifast Oatmeal, pumpkin pie spice and water in small bowl.
  2. Drop oatmeal mixture in very small globs, to resemble size of granola chunks, onto lightly greased baking sheet.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes, until browned and crispy, but not burnt.
  4. Once cooled, combine oatmeal pieces, and remaining ingredients in large bowl, and serve!