1. Carolyn sue daniel

    I am so excited with the cooking ideas. I was very happy with chilli, mashed potatoes, brownies, cookies, and muffins. The muffins are a little dry so I use my butter for the day with them. I love the ice cream. I love the drinks. Only the I am having trouble with is the lean and green. Thanks for the good videos. I am so excited to try some of them. Especially the chicken and kale chips.

    1. Hallie Falquet Sovesky
      Hallie Falquet Sovesky

      So glad these videos are helping you out! There are a lot with Lean & Green ideas too!

  2. Rhianna

    Jason’s video says they cook really fast and should only take 30-40 seconds per side. The instructions state 3-5 minutes per side.

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